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Sunday 09.06.2024

08:00 PM - 11:59 PM

Versöhnungskirche Ulm-Wiblingen

Kapellenstraße 5

89079 Ulm

Wiblinger Bachtage 2024

Gioacchino Rossinis: Petite Messe solennelle

The "Petite Messe Solennelle" - a late work - is considered one of his most important sacred compositions. Rossini himself wrote in an ironic dedication: "Dear God. Here it is, the poor little mass. Have I really made sacred music (musique sarée), or have I made sacrilegious music (sacrée musique)? I was born for the "opera buffa". You know it well! A little skill, a little heart, that's all. So be praised and grant me the paradise!"



Schüler, Studenten, Schwerbehinderte / Pupils, Students, severely disabled persons: 12.00 EUR

Erwachsene / Adults: 20.00 EUR


Venue Organizer

Versöhnungskirche Ulm-Wiblingen

Kapellenstraße 5
89079 Ulm Wiblingen



Förderverein Wiblinger Kantorei e.V.

Lindenstraße 33
89079 Ulm Wiblingen

Phone: (0731) 931 46 63


Versöhnungskirche Ulm-Wiblingen